2018 Amendment to Annie LeGere Law
An admendment to the Annie LeGere Law was filed to offer greater liability protection to medical professionals prescribing epinephrine auto-injectors to law enforcement entities. SB 2226.
January 1, 2017 Annie LeGere Law went into effect
August 5, 2016
House Bill 4462, Annie Legere Law, was signed into law in Illinois. The law provides for law enforcement officiers to carry and administer epinephrine auto-injectors.
December 27, 2016, ALF Donates $40K to DuPage Country Sheriff's Office
December 27, 2016
ALF donates $40,000 to the DuPage County Sheriff's Office, which serves and unincorporated areas of DuPage County. Donated funds are used to equip police officers with ephineprine auto-injectors.