July 31, 2018. Governor Bruce Rauner signed the amended Annie LeGere Law into effect. The amendment specifies liability protection for physicians signing the prescription for epinephrine auto-injectors in Illinois.
Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner, Shelly LeGere, Senator Chris Nybo, Pete DeCianni, Representative Deb Conroy
Shelly LeGere and Senator Chris Nybo
The Annie LeGere Foundation has paved the way through legislation to allow police officers to carry epinephrine auto-injectors in the State of Illinois. Since officers are often first on the scene, they will now have the lifesaving tools to administer epinephrine when needed. Although The Annie LeGere Law (P.A. 99-0711) became effective on January 1, 2017, and an amendment (SB2226) is in process to provide liability protection for physicians signing the prescriptions.
December 27, 2016. The Annie LeGere Foundation donated $40,000 to the DuPage County Sheriff's Officers to provide funds for deputies to carry epinephrine auto-injectors. The Sheriff's Office plans to use leftover funds to assist other police departments who need assistance paying for the epinephrine auto-injectors. At the start of the program Mylan made a donation of 400 EpiPens® to the DuPage County Sheriff's Office.
Congressman Raja Krisnamoorthi, Shelly and John LeGere
April 27, 2018. Shelly and John LeGere met with Congressman Raja Krisnamoorthi (IL-8), in Washington D.C. to discuss anaphylaxis and the need for a federal law allowing police officers to carry and administer epinephrine auto-injectors.
May 9, 2018. Shelly LeGere was in Springfield, IL with Pete DeCianni, DuPage County Board Member, to witness the unanimous passing in committee of SB2226, an amendment to the Annie LeGere Law. Representative Deb Conroy (IL-46) sponsored the legislation in the House.
Pete DeCianni, Shelly LeGere and Representative Deb Conroy
The Annie LeGere Foundation started as a grassroots effort led by Shelly LeGere, Annie's mom, to pave the way for police officers to carry and administer epinephrine auto-injectors in the state of Illinois. While working towards this goal, it became apparent that many states lack necessary legislation to allow epinephrine auto-injectors to be easily accessible to stop anaphylaxis. It will take volunteer advocates across the nation to lead the effort to create laws and develop policies that will benefit communities around the country. Learn more about your state's current legislation below.
The foundation is determined to work towards all states having laws that allow police officers to carry and administer epinephrine auto-injectors. This might be accomplished with state-by-state legislation or by action at a federal level. Either way, much work still needs to be done. Check out the resources below to get started in your state.
If you are interested in bringing legislation to your own state, start by searching for a politician that will take up your cause. Seek out local legislators and ask them to sponsor legislation that allows police officers to stock and administer epinephrine auto-injectors. Click Here to find the email addresses, mailing addresses, phone numbers and social media accounts for your state officials.
Before you make a "clear ask" of your elected official, it is important to establish a relationship. Take the time to get acquainted by setting up a meeting, inviting them to a fundraiser, offering them media coverage, and working with their staff. It is important to do your research to find out your elected official's voting record on similar legislation (co-sponsorship).
A bill allowing police officers to carry epinephrine auto-injectors should include the following:
Liability protection for police officers that carry and administer the epinephrine auto-injectors.
Liability protection for physicians prescribing the epinephrine.
Procedures, polices and training details for police departments.
Once a bill is proposed, it is time to rally supporters for your proposed legislation. Senators and Representatives need to hear that the bill is important to their constituents. Click here for sample letters, sample e-mails, and a sample witness slip.
Keep your community in the know by using social media to get the word out about your efforts. Use Facebook©, Snapchat©, Instagram© and Twitter© to inform others of important legislation that is being proposed.
In order for the Annie LeGere Law to be implemented throughout the State of Illinois, local allergy advocates will need to work with police departments and city management to bring these lifesaving tools to their area. Click here to learn more about this process.