We lost Annie the week before she started eighth grade. It was just another sleepover with her friends until the coughing started. She became short of breath and felt ill enough that she called her mother and asked to be picked up.
By the time her mother arrived, an ambulance had been called and the police responded. Annie was in anaphylactic shock from an undiagnosed food allergy, but received no meaningful treatment until she reached the hospital. In the emergency room, she went into cardiac arrest. She never regained consciousness. Nine agonizing days later, Annie died.
Annie’s family, friends, and the Elmhurst community have grieved her loss ever since. And they’ve asked questions. What if Annie knew she had a food allergy? What if police officers could carry and administer epinephrine auto-injector?
The Annie LeGere Foundation honors Annie’s memory by working to ensure that what happened to Annie doesn’t happen needlessly to anyone else.
The Annie LeGere Foundation advocates and supports legislation for state and federal policies to make it possible for police officers to carry and administer epinephrine auto-injectors.
Assemblies provide needed information about allergies, food allergy bullying, and the signs and symptoms of anaphylactic shock.
Disclaimer: The Annie LeGere Foundation provides food allergy education and information as well as insight into legislative initiatives. Every effort has been made to provide accurate and up-to-date information. This website is not intended to be a substitute for medical diagnosis, treatment or legal advice.